Paula Landino, Chairman 50, dished out her leadership nuggets on the Chairman Mentorship, today, Sunday, July 5. Their simplicity and timelessness are what really struck me. I loved her energy throughout the presentation; despite the pauses when her wisdom was translated from Spanish to English. She closed off the call with gratitude for a number of people, a practice that I do applaud. She also reminds the participants to never, never quit your dreams, especially when you have an opportunity like IM Mastery to help make them possible. Here are my takeaways:
Growth is the ultimate activity of any business and in order to do so, leaders must have a team. Teams allow for the duplication of efforts and as a result, the duplication of the desirable results. Of course, “everything rises and falls on leadership,” according to renowned leadership coach, John C Maxwell. And, good leaders tend to create better environments in which others are able to thrive. Landino identify some of the activities that good leaders engage in, activities that allow them to create great environments and as a result, tremendous growth. Here are Paula Landino's 10 Characteristics of a Good Leader:
1. They Make Things Happen
In order for a leader to make something happen, he or she must first have a long-term vision and the goals to get there. What I absolutely agree with is when Landino suggests that leaders not only communicate the vision with their teams, but also listen to the goals, and whys of the individuals on the team. From her point, I can conclude that vision is a two-way street that everyone must be on so that they can arrive at the destination as one unit.
2. They Create and Give Value to Their Teams
One major way for leaders to give value is by cultivating an environment of trust. According to Landino, lack of trust stagnates growth and prevents unity; on the other hand, with trust, the vision can be pursued and everyone can feel great about what they are creating.
4. Good Leaders Attract Other Leaders & Winners
Even in leadership, birds of a feather flock together. Leaders have a particular mindset. Individuals with like-minded attitudes, practices and thoughts are naturally drawn to one another. Leaders like order. They love discipline and most of all, they love love love mentorship, an opportunity to learn from someone and in return, grow and transform themselves.
5. Good Leaders Train Others to Duplicate Their Actions
Leaders want others on their teams to succeed. This success stems from the generosity of the leader, who trains team members to be able to do what he or she is doing well. Thus, good leadership is not threatened by the potential success of others. Good leadership desires duplication more than ego.
6. A Good Leader Develops A Good Attitude
This is a must. The attitude or culture within the team is influenced by the attitude of the team leader. As such, having a good attitude also helps to build trust and it motivates others towards the goal. It helps to cultivate an enriching environment where the team will feel inspired to grow and work.
7. Good Leaders Are Consistent. They Do What They Say
Stability within teams is necessary for goal attainment. Thus a leader’s actions and words must be in alignment. If the leader does not do what he or she says, it will create confusion and this inconsistency will be replicated throughout the team. This also affects trust among all members. Therefore, a good leader executes all of his or her personal mandates.
8. Good Leaders Engage in Personal Development
When a leader develops personally, his or her team does too. Leaders share good ideas to promote team growth. It is not only about the overall vision. According to Landino, not only should leaders read at least ten minutes a day and listen to at least 30 minutes daily, but also they must share this information with their teams. This small attention towards the mind will result in the growth of one’s pockets. Thus, adding this kind of value to your team helps to cultivate a good environment.
9. Good Leaders Use the System
Good leaders have and praise the system. This system gives them the opportunity for duplication and it also simplifies their lives. Good systems give leaders location-freedom. They can travel anywhere and still utilize the system to get results. As such, the simplicity afforded by the system is never overlooked, especially given the rewards.
10. Good Leaders Edify Others
Leaders can add value to their team by edifying others. It is a misconception that only the leader should receive praise. Effective edification is even beneficial for the team and prospective customers. It fuels trust and creates a work-friendly environment that promotes good communication.
Leadership Bonus: Good Leaders Maintain the Expectation for Sound Growth
They speak growth. For example David Imonitie has been known to say,” New and successful people join my business every single day.” Landino’s stresses the importance of continuously repeating this statement every day until it happens. Why? Repetition builds the belief and this in turn attracts what is desired. So if you want growth, speak growth.
In closing, Landino reminds us of what Micheal Jordan said, “Talent win games, but teams win championships.” Leaders need to protect their team culture and long-term vision by first cultivated the habits of good leadership. They should be consistent. They should engage in duplicable and successful activity. They should take personal responsibility for team growth and their own influence. According to Landino, together, a team is invincible ; thus, a good leader creates unity within a team and gives direction using a vision and timed goals.
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Hello, I'm Rochelle, curator of saltfish & Lace, a St.Martin lifestyle blog that oozes with the sticky sweet love for the written and spoken word, natural Caribbean living and of course, natural hair.
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