You're a leader. You have several eyes on you, waiting for your direction, motivation and wisdom. What they don't know is that you've flatlined. Your leadership skills are collecting dust and you need to get it squeaky clean. Fast. John C. Maxwell's The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is a great place to start. In fact, my team plowed through the chapters, doing a Leadership Mastermind in August of last year.
The key is lifting the practice from the pages into our behaviors. While the book does an amazing job providing practical activities to nose-drive into new behaviors right away, you'll have to be open to change because these laws will take you off your pedestal and shine a warm spotlight on your underdeveloped leadership parts. It's intimate, but worth it.
Let's get a started with the first law: The Law of the Lid
Let's back track a little. Why I am even putting leadership under a microscope? Leadership is essential. Parents need it. Educators need it. I need it. Let's see if you do too. Are there people depending on you? According to Benjamin Hook, "If you think you are leading and turn around to see no one following, then you're just taking a walk." However, if people bump right into you, it would be wise to be effective at what you do. With that said, who better than to polish your leadership skills than John C. Maxwell, a renowned American coach, who has developed millions of leaders worldwide and has spent over 40 years disseminating leadership principles in over 50 publications. I'm listening to him.
It is time to look at your limitations and lid and how you can improve or lift the lid. What is your vision, how are you going to get there, who are you taking with you and what are you hoping to accomplish along the way? Take it from Law #1, You have to develop you before you can stretch out that neck kink.
So. Do you accept the challenge? Which part of this chapter spoke to you most? COMMENT BELOW
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Hello, I'm Rochelle, curator of saltfish & Lace, a St.Martin lifestyle blog that oozes with the sticky sweet love for the written and spoken word, natural Caribbean living and of course, natural hair.
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